Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the infection progresses, your nails may become discolored, thicken, and begin to crumble at the edges. The treatment of this condition can be complicated, as the fungus lives in dead tissue, and getting medications to the site is difficult. At TKI, we provide nail fungus treatments using Laser Genesis.

How do Laser Genesis nail fungus treatments work?

Laser Genesis nail fungus treatments provide a quick, effective, and comfortable treatment to clear your nails without the use of drugs or prolonged therapy. Laser fungus removals also help reduce redness and scarring. Patients see an improvement after just a couple of treatments.

When the energy from the laser is projected into tissue, the heat produced destroys that tissue affected by the fungus. Other tissue components are unaffected and therefore spared.

Photo of a woman's beautiful hands and nails

Why choose Laser Genesis nail fungus treatments?

The benefits of Laser Genesis treatments include the total elimination of nail fungus and a return to healthy looking toe and/or fingernails. In terms of using laser treatment over drug treatment, oral antifungal medications are toxic and can cause serious medical complications. As a laser treatment is completely drug free, there are none of those associated health risks.

How can I prepare for treatments?

On the day of your treatment session, your nails must be free of any polish or coatings.

Do the treatments hurt?

This treatment is virtually painless and does not require any downtime following treatment. As the laser treats each nail, you will feel a warming sensation.

How long do the treatment sessions last?

Laser nail fungus treatments typically last 15 minutes.

What can I expect from the results?

Improvement can be seen as early as 3 weeks. For best results, we recommend 3 to 4 treatments spaced 5 to 6 weeks apart. Improvement will be gradual as the nail continues to grow out. Toenails may take 9 to 12 months to grow out, and fingernails may take 6 to 9 months.

There is no pain after treatment, and you may return to all normal activities immediately.

Schedule a Nail Fungus Treatment in Marlboro or East Brunswick

Eliminate toenail fungus with ease thanks to our Laser Genesis treatments in Marlboro and East Brunswick, New Jersey. These treatments make ointments and cream a thing of the past. Get in touch to learn more today by requesting an appointment online or by calling us at 8-555-DRKAGA.

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Request an Appointment

Our mission at TKI is to provide exceptionally innovative, and highly individualized wellness and aesthetics. Your customized treatment plan begins with a consultation, which you can schedule in Marlboro or East Brunswick. We look forward to helping you feel better, not different.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(855) 537-5242