Some of the most common reasons our office may recommend having a tooth extracted include the following ones:
- A “baby” or deciduous tooth that is over retained (reluctant to fall out), severely decayed, or damaged
- A permanent tooth that has extensive decay and is deemed non-restorable
- A permanent tooth that has been severely fractured or cracked and can not be restored
- Advanced gum disease that has significantly compromised the tooth’s supporting tissues
- Poorly positioned, impacted, or decayed wisdom teeth
- Overcrowded Teeth
We treat many types of dental emergencies and urgent oral health problems, including:
- Toothaches
- Chipped or fractured teeth
- Abscesses
- Loose or broken fillings
- Dislodged or lost dental crowns
- Broken, ill-fitting, or lost dentures
- Problematic wisdom teeth
- Acute Periodontal Problems
- Loose or broken down teeth
- Swollen, bleeding gums
- Bacterial, viral, or fungal Infections affecting the tongue, cheeks, gums, lips, or other soft tissues of the mouth
- Oral pain or swelling of unknown origin
- Suspicious bumps, spots, and lesions