Image of a tooth extraction

Some of the most common reasons our office may recommend having a tooth extracted include the following ones:

  • A “baby” or deciduous tooth that is over retained (reluctant to fall out), severely decayed, or damaged
  • A permanent tooth that has extensive decay and is deemed non-restorable
  • A permanent tooth that has been severely fractured or cracked and can not be restored
  • Advanced gum disease that has significantly compromised the tooth’s supporting tissues
  • Poorly positioned, impacted, or decayed wisdom teeth
  • Overcrowded Teeth

We treat many types of dental emergencies and urgent oral health problems, including:

  • Toothaches
  • Chipped or fractured teeth
  • Abscesses
  • Loose or broken fillings
  • Dislodged or lost dental crowns
  • Broken, ill-fitting, or lost dentures
  • Problematic wisdom teeth
  • Acute Periodontal Problems
  • Loose or broken down teeth
  • Swollen, bleeding gums
  • Bacterial, viral, or fungal Infections affecting the tongue, cheeks, gums, lips, or other soft tissues of the mouth
  • Oral pain or swelling of unknown origin
  • Suspicious bumps, spots, and lesions

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Request an Appointment

Our mission at TKI is to provide exceptionally innovative, and highly individualized wellness and aesthetics. Your customized treatment plan begins with a consultation, which you can schedule in Marlboro or East Brunswick. We look forward to helping you feel better, not different.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(855) 537-5242