Did you know: 15.3 million people experience excessive underarm sweating? So if you’re bothered by your sweat, you’re not alone! At TKI, we’re proud to offer the latest in sweat control innovation: The Brella® SweatControl Patch.

After just one in-office treatment, Brella® can reduce your underarm sweating and can help you stay comfortable and dry for up to 3-4 months!

How does the Brella® SweatControl Patch work?

The Brella® SweatControl Patch features a thin sodium sheet with an adhesive backing. When applied by your TKI provider to your underarm for up to 3 minutes, the sodium reacts with the water in your sweat (sweat is 99% water), generating localized heat that targets and significantly reduces sweat production. It’s that quick and easy!

Brella® works on all skin types and is proven to be safe and well tolerated.

Photo of a happy woman with dry armpits

Am I a candidate?

If you’re annoyed, bothered, frustrated, or inconvenienced by your excessive underarm sweating, you may be the perfect candidate for the Brella® SweatControl Patch. Request a consultation at TKI to find out if this treatment is right for you.

What can I expect during treatments?

  1. Your TKI provider will begin by inspecting both underarms to ensure they are free from redness, abrasions, or other skin conditions, followed by a thorough cleaning.
  2. Once you start sweating, your aesthetic clinician will apply the SweatControl Patch to your underarm for up to three minutes. You may feel a warming sensation during this time, which is normal.
  3. After the treatment, the Patch will be removed, your underarm will be cleaned, and the used Patch will be properly disposed of. Your TKI provider will then repeat the process with a new Patch on your other underarm.

When will I see results and how long do they last?

Brella® is clinically proven to be safe and effective, offering dramatic improvements in daily living. With results lasting three to four months, and sometimes even longer, Brella® significantly reduces excessive underarm sweating. Most patients treated with this patch experience noticeable improvements within just a few days.

Even better, you can resume your normal activities right after your treatment – with more confidence, no downtime, and less sweat!

Schedule Brella® SweatControl Patch treatments in Marlboro or East Brunswick

If you suffer from excessive sweating, it’s time to take control and find relief. Request an appointment at TKI in Marlboro or East Brunswick today. Call 8-555-DRKAGA or fill out the form below to get started on your journey to a more confident, sweat-free life. Don’t let excessive sweating hold you back any longer – reach out now!

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Request an Appointment

Our mission at TKI is to provide exceptionally innovative, and highly individualized wellness and aesthetics. Your customized treatment plan begins with a consultation, which you can schedule in Marlboro or East Brunswick. We look forward to helping you feel better, not different.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(855) 537-5242